Currently it is the german language media which writes about me. I do hope to gather more international interest soon. Of course. 😉
Jump to: Customers – Newspaper – Radio – TV

Some clients for exclusive tours:

Media coverage
Newspaper articles
About me
Tagesspiegel Berlin, Spandau-Newsletter „Leute“ (People), June 2021
Interview with me as “Spandau’s best-known city explainer”.
HERE it can be read online in an English translation (the German original page can be found HERE)
Forum – The Weekly Magazine, August 2020
Worth a report for the German “Forum” Magazine: Christian Fessel as the “Man with Hat Tours” is presented together with Neukölln tour guide Reinhold Steinle: as city guides who show a Berlin that even Berliners don’t know yet. You can read the report online HERE (German language)
Special issue “Cycling” of the Tagesspiegel Newspaper, April 2020
Christian Fessel is also recommended as the “Man with hat tours” for cycle tourists. On Tour #10. You can find my blog post about it HERE (German language).
The special issue “Tagesspiegel unterwegs – Radfahren” 2020 is available at newsagents or directly in the Tagesspiegel Shop.
By me
Charlie – The newspaper for urban redevelopment in Charlottenburg-North
Occasional column by Christian Fessel as head of the Infostation Siemensstadt for the UNESCO World Heritage Site & Man With Hat Tours:
– #5, Autum 2019 on Otto Bartning (page 15)
– #6, Winter 2019/20 on Fred Forbat (page 15)
Radio features
rbb kulturradio, June 2019
Christian Fessel, Man With Hat Tours & Infostation Siemensstadt
in an interview about Fred Forbat and the Bauhaus – “Style
The times of open tours mentioned in the article are changed from 2020. Please check the calendar (online from the end of February). Group tours can of course almost always be arranged.
rbb kulturradio, September 2017
Dimitri Suchin of the Scharoun Society & Christian Fessel, Representative of Deutsche Wohnen SE lead to the former studio of Hans Scharoun in Charlottenburg
The contribution was created for the Berlin “Day of the Open Monument” in 2017, the mentioned visiting times will certainly change in 2020, please inform yourself accordingly in the relevant media.
Or take part in a guided tour. Information HIER
rbb Abendschau, Oktober 2018
Christian Fessel as resident photographer on the “New Siemensstadt”, after Siemens announced the campus in Spandau shortly before.
“Leading actor” Infostation Siemensstadt, first transmission 12.2017
The Infostation Siemensstadt was the architectural protagonist in a very successful German crime series:
ZDF “A powerful team (A strong team)“, episode 71 “Gestorben wird immer (People always die)“.
For copyright reasons the episode cannot be shown here.
Maybe you’ll get lucky in the ZDF Mediathek or it will be shown as a rerun.