Exciting stories about the construction (and dismantling) of the churches and the symbolism. Interesting for everyone.
Including: One of the most beautiful Mosques ever. Built at the same time as the churches visited.
Results5Official tour: 100 year celebration 2024
Architecture, Architects, Bauhaus, Berlin, Charlottenburg, Charlottenburg-Nord, Fred Forbat, Garden architect, Garden monument, Hans Scharoun, Historic preservation, Hugo Häring, Leberecht Migge, Martin Wagner, Modernism, Organic Architecture, Otto Bartning, Paul Rudolf Henning, Siemensstadt, Social housing, Spandau, Tours, UNESCO, Walter Gropius, Weimar Republic, World Cultural Heritage, World Heritage
Guided Tour:
Living in a world heritage site
Bauhaus next to organic architecture. Six architects, one garden architect and 14 different lines. Built in 1931/34.
And: Far ahead of its time.
A UNESCO world heritage site.
Tours, Architects, Architecture, Berlin, Church, Elektropolis, Factory apartment, Garden architect, Hans Hertlein, Historic preservation, Horst Pniower, Imperial Age, Industrial Heritage, Karl Janisch, Sacral architecture, Siemensbahn, Siemensstadt, Social housing, Spandau, Weimar Republic, Wilhelminian period, Works housing estate
Siemensstadt 1.0
How and why it began. Here.
An exciting journey through the history of the origins of an artificial city, against all (unexpected) odds.
Historic preservation, Albert Speer, Architects, Architecture, Berlin, Charlottenburg, Charlottenburg-Nord, Erwin Barth, Garden architect, Garden monument, Hans Hertlein, Hans Scharoun, Organic Architecture, People's Park Jungfernheide, Social housing, Studio of Hans Scharoun, Tours, Weimar Republic
More green than built-up area. Objectively striped up to squeaky colored. Social hotspot, memorials, Berlin’s second largest park. A UNESCO World Heritage Site and high density of listed buildings. Variety.
Historic preservation, Architects, Architecture, Berlin, Elektropolis, Hans Hertlein, Industrial Heritage, Siemensbahn, Siemensstadt, Spandau, Tours, Weimar Republic
For private groups only:
The Siemens Railway
She’s exactly 90 years young: The Siemens Railway.
On our exploration along the route you will learn almost everything about the history of this important branch line.